Thinking About Working Together in Retirement? Here’s Some Fun Stuff You Can Do!

Thinking About Working Together in Retirement? Here’s Some Fun Stuff You Can Do!

6. Working on a Cruise Ship

Picture this: sunny beaches, exotic destinations, and meeting people from all over the world. And did I mention you get paid for it? Working on a cruise ship is the ultimate retirement gig if you love to travel and work together as a team.

Cruise lines are always hiring, so there are plenty of opportunities. From bartenders and chefs to entertainers and mechanics, you can usually find something that fits your skill set. The best time to apply is from September to November, as the ships prepare for the busy winter season.

The perks are pretty sweet: free living expenses, generous benefits, and time off to explore new places. You might even share a cabin with your spouse—but it might be a little cozy. Just remember, while the job can be fun, it also comes with long hours and time away from home, so be prepared to adjust.

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