30 Affordable Healthy Foods We Should All Eat More

30 Affordable Healthy Foods We Should All Eat More

7. Fennel

Best Place to Buy: Farmer’s market

Avg. Price: Various

Benefits: Liver health

The aniseed flavor of fennel can certainly be an acquired taste initially, but fennel provides significant health benefits that make it worth getting used to. This vegetable is abundant with antioxidants like folic acid, beta-carotene, and vitamin C, which are all well-known for their protective effects against cell aging over time.

Whether you slice it up raw and add it to a salad, or sip on a warm cup of herbal fennel tea, fennel has remarkable detoxifying properties that can help keep your liver functioning at an optimal level. Another important property is fennel's potential power to help maintain hormonal balance in females, especially for women who are breastfeeding.