30 Affordable Healthy Foods We Should All Eat More

30 Affordable Healthy Foods We Should All Eat More

10. Garlic

Best Place to Buy: Aldi

Avg. Price: $0.30 per clove*

Benefits: Helps detoxify the body

This small yet remarkably effective garlic pod is the most protective member of the allium family, which also includes onions, shallots, leeks, and chives. The sulfur compounds found in garlic can activate detoxification within the body, preventing the formation of nitrosamines (present in processed deli meats) that are likely to cause DNA mutation, thus increasing cancer risk.

To help prevent cancers of the esophagus, stomach, prostate, and colon, aim to eat garlic at a rate of around ten pods per week, either fresh or crushed and cooked. Just remember to keep breath mints on hand, as your friends are sure to notice the lingering scent of garlic on your breath from a mile away after eating it.